Thursday, February 26, 2009

Grow LRG Grow!

I have had a chance to reflect a little bit after having returned to work after a bout of unemployment. I had fallen apart with the mortgage industry and was really hard pressed to find a place to channel my skills. I knew that given the right opportunity, I could really get into a new a position outside of working in the mortgage field. I recall a conversation with a friend from my mortgage days and we were thinking about marketing and ways to give companies exposure.

It wasn't too long a time before I got a call from the Marketing Director for Lead Research Group. He is a very sharp, articulate and creative guy and I can say that I knew from a short period of time talking to this guy that I had to work with him. There was just something about him.

Here is the beauty of the whole thing. I now get to help market for people that I used to manage and work with in the mortgage industry with the products and ability to significantly impact their sales numbers for the better. You just can't beat that.

So as I spend my hard working days here at LRG, I say Grow LRG Grow. If you have not worked with a marketing company and felt like they were dedicated to your success, please call today!

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