Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Thought For Businesses That Telemarket

My name is Rob and I market in Orange County with Lead Research Group. I talk to small, medium and large businesses all over the country and know without a doubt that how the phone is answered makes or breaks them.

I manage dialing campaigns all over the country and have the ability to listen to how calls are answered on a regular basis. What I get to hear is often appalling!

Tip of the Day: First and foremost ask the prospect how they are today. Anyone can answer that question and it is a disarming question for those people agitatled by sales calls. Make sure to get a person's name and get it right before trying to jab a prospect with a product or service. After getting their name, make sure to give them yours and tell them what your company does quickly and succinctly and then move into qualifying questions.

If they are not willing takers in your product or service ask them for a referral. If 1 in 10 provided a referral it would take 10 seconds to ask a dead deal for someone that might be interested!!!! The best sales agents will try and flip sales until they know that it is going nowhere. It is crucial when growing business not to run at the first sign of an agitated person.

Until next time, I will be marketing for companies across the nation, with my ear low to the ground, looking for new hot industries and new ways to approach the sales call.

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