Thursday, February 26, 2009

Marketing On A Shoe String Budget


Marketing is not cheap but with the right data and cold call scripting you can really stuff your pockets with some returns. Many people think you have to have the most expensive internet leads, and elaborate phone dialing campaigns and direct mail drops but what about the little guy? How are small businesses to fend for themselves in a dog eat dog world where large companies swallow marketing whole?

Telemarketing is certainly and answer but it can't be done haphazzardly. Calling the white pages with no direction for most businesses does not make sense. Get filtered data lists that best align with the characteristics of your ideal customer.

Example: If you are working in MLM you can find data sets of people that have expressed interests in home based businesses in the recent past. This certainly will do better than just calling random people.

Once you have a targeted data list, make sure you know what you are going to say. Scripting is key and getting good at breaking the ice and building rapport takes time, hard work and experience but it is virtually a skill most people can develop. A very wise and successful man once told me I should read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie and he said that it would help in the things that I said to people and how well I would be able to identify with others and be able to parlay that into sales. People often buy from people they like.

Make sure there is a script, well thought out and practiced and even role played. Use life experience, personality and your enthusiasm to make in roads with people. Your personality and life experience cost you nothing while helping you build relationships and opportunity as well as loyal business partners.

Are you targeting data? Are you scripting properly? Are you developing relationships with your personality and life experience? Are you likable?

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